H7 Story: Pine Cove City Recap

After three long years, Pine Cove City (aka “Camp in the City”) returned, and as has always been the case, it was amazing! For one week, kids entering first through sixth grade participated in this amazing time of learning about Jesus.

While we will talk briefly about the camp itself, we first wanted to emphasize and thank all the amazing people who made this event happen. Some of these amazing people included:

Donors: We were able to make this week of camp available to anyone due to the generosity of many FCCers, who financially contributed, ensuring that everyone had the opportunity to attend. A big, huge thank you to all of you.

Host Families: There were seven families that hosted the 35 Pine Cove City Counselors and workers. These hosts were amazing and took great care of these people, not just providing a place to sleep but feeding and entertaining them and providing some food. “We truly enjoyed hosting PCC counselors,” Crista DelSorbo explained. “It is so encouraging to see the next generation of leaders rising up in the church!”

Dinner Hosts: On Thursday, Mark and Beth Anne Liebert hosted a dinner for all of the counselors and hosts. It was a lovely time to recap the week and celebrate all that God was doing. “Seeing all the counselors together and hearing the excitement in their voices as they shared ways they had seen God work in the kids that week was incredibly encouraging,” Beth Anne shared. “God is, indeed, raising up the next generation of believers who will carry the church forward. What a blessing and gift from the Lord to witness 35 college students be so passionate about helping kids find and follow Jesus.” We agree with what Beth Anne said when she wrote, “God’s great Kingdom work is being accomplished far beyond our little town in eastern Tennessee!”

Not only did many volunteers step up to provide a chance for kids to learn more about Jesus, but they were also given the privilege of knowing that at least six baptism conversations have happened due to the intentional Gospel conversations throughout the week.
FCC’s Kids Director Michael Schubert shared that, “The PCC Counselors’ extremely high energy was impressive and kept the kid’s attention so well. That energy level and intentionality were not just seen during the main club time but all throughout the week.” Michael continued when he said, “They continued the lessons as they walked to their activities, waited in line for the restroom, and during lunch. They intentionally used every moment to pour into the kids and have Gospel conversations. They didn’t let their own structure hinder them from pouring into children with additional needs, and it was incredible to watch them adapt to what each child needed.”

These counselors were living examples of the Fruits of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, and Kindness – which was a theme for this week at camp! In all, 81 kids attended, and due to sponsorships, FCC was able to invite and pay for six kids from the Boys and Girls Club.

Rising fifth-grader Hosea Shrader loved his week “in the city.” He said, “I loved it. I really liked the activity classes. There was always something to do, and I never got bored! The counselors were kind and always willing to help. I learned about God’s kindness and patience, all while having a lot of fun!”

Isabel Shlessing agreed. "I had a great time at Pine Cove. I really loved my counselor and enjoyed the time with my friends.  It was fun to decorate our tents each day.  I liked learning about the fruits of the spirit and how they play into my life."

In addition to the camp for the big kids, students not quite old enough to attend Camp in the City were offered “Splash.” Samantha Schubert organized the entire week and had a group of volunteers who helped her every day. They continued with the theme of the Fruits of the Spirit, and by the end of the week, each child could recite all of them.
Rita Sexton’s grandson, four-year-old Tucker, attended Splash. After Day 3, Rita asked him if he enjoyed the day at camp. He quickly replied that he did. followed with “‘What did you do?’ He said “thisssh” (he has a precious lisp) and handed me some drawings and a handmade book… then he added, ‘And we did this!’” When she looked over at him, his head was bowed and hands folded in prayer.

We are so thankful for the countless hours poured into our kids during "Camp in the City" and Splash week. Please continue to pray we will see fruit from this week of camp. If you could not send your kids this year, please consider sending them next year.
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