Catalyst Coffee Company

Producing Goodness & Promoting Others

Cat·a·lyst [KAT-uhl-ist] n.

As in chemistry, a "catalyst" is an entity whose energy investment precipitates change in others, resulting in a synergy of more creative power to produce more goodness.

In 2014, First Christian Church launched Catalyst Coffee Company as a marketplace ministry whose purpose is to be a Catalyst in the long-term health of our community by "Producing Goodness & Promoting Others."

A sign inside the shop says, "We make money to give away money, providing space to gather and build relationships with a cup of our fresh, locally-roasted coffee in-hand, so we can give way 100% of net profits to already-existing ministries and nonprofits."

This is why Catalyst isn't just a coffee shop; it's a place for people to meet, connect, build relationship, and join us as a 
"Catalyst Partner" who is pouring back into the community! Every time you visit, you're investing in our community and  supporting nonprofit work in Greene County!

2 Ways to be a "Catalyst Partner"

(1)  Help us "pour into" our community by becoming a customer and telling the story of our mission. Because every purchase helps us support community builders already doing good work, everyone can be a Catalyst Partner!

(2) Let us "pour into" you by contributing financially to your cause and promoting the story of the good work you're doing! We want to help you...
... fund your mission! – Catalyst GM Nathan Dickerson and FCC Lead Pastor Scott Wakefield will present you with a donation. The Greeneville Sun will be there for the presentation and will write up an article. (See below.)

... tell your story! – We do this in 2 ways. First, we'll leverage our online presence by posting on Catalyst and FCC socials so you can share on yours. Second, we'd also like invite you to a 45-min video interview on our biweekly Coffee Convos podcast, where we highlight the good work you're doing. (See below.)

May 2022 – Giving $2,000 to the Hope Center (

Taken from the article "Catalyst Coffee Pours Profits Into The Community" in the Greeneville Sun on May 27, 2022:

On May 18, Wakefield and Dickerson were on hand at The Hope Center of Greeneville to present a check to the pregnancy resource center’s director Pam Crank to aid with the on-going ministry it provides to pregnant women and their babies.

The donation was one of the largest to date that Catalyst has been able to provide to a community organization thanks to the on-going support of its customers, Dickerson said. Nathan Dickerson, who serves as Catalyst Coffee’s general manager, stressed that the coffee shop is not actually the donor to these community works, though.

“The people who bought items at Catalyst are the ones who gave,” Dickerson said. “It’s the people coming in [to the shop] who are putting in the money, and they are the ones who need the shout out. We’re just the go-between.”

“Catalyst isn’t just a coffee shop,” Wakefield added. “It’s a place for people to meet, connect, build relationships, and thereby join us as a Catalyst Partner who is pouring back into the community. Every time you visit, you’re investing in our community and supporting nonprofit work in Greeneville
For more re Hours and Menu go to

Interested in working or volunteering at Catalyst? Contact Nathan Dickerson, General Mgr.

For up-to-the-minute info, go to Facebook.

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Come Visit Us!

Catalyst Coffee Company
103 N Main Street
Greeneville, TN 37743
(423) 588-5146

Google Maps Link