Re:generation is Bible-based and gospel-centered discipleship training focused on deeply understanding new life in Christ by applying God's grace.
What is re:gen?
Re:generation uses a small group recovery model to lead through the process of deeply applying the gospel of God's grace to all areas of life using these 12 Steps:
- Steps 1-3 – Realizing Your Need for God's Grace: Admit, Believe, Trust
- Steps 4-6 – Receive God's Grace: Inventory, Confess, Repent
- Steps 7-9 – Respond to God's Grace: Follow, Forgive, Amends
- Steps 10-12 – Regeneration Because of God's Grace: Continue, Intimacy, Regeneration.
Re:gen is essentially hardcore training in spiritual growth with a consistent dose of theological truth throughout. By working through these Biblical steps in authentic community, you can not only learn about the power of the gospel, but you can find freedom from substance abuse, codependency, pornography, eating disorders, depression, fear, control, emotional/physical/sexual abuse, same sex attraction, anger, obsessive thoughts, and any other personal struggle, whether your own sin or the sin of others against you.
Who is it for?
Anyone 18 years or older who is a human being. No, really. Far too many, both Christians and non-Christians, think they are somehow exceptions to the rule that we all experience and live out of the brokenness of sin more deeply than we understand (Genesis 3:7, 21-24; 2 Kings 17:15; Jeremiah 2:5; 17:9; Romans 1:18, 21, 28; Romans 2:14-15; Romans 3:9-18; Ephesians 4:17-24). Even if we are Christians who are positionally saved from the penalty of sin, we all have progress to make in separation from the power of sin. (See episodes 45-47 of Brown Bags & Bibles that focus on "progressive sanctification.") At re:generation, all who are tired, broken, and hurting, Christian or non-Christian, are invited to experience new life in Christ and greater freedom from sin by working through steps of healing revealed in the Biblical doctrines of grace.
Still think you won't be helped by re:gen? Watch this 6-min video: "Why You Need Re:gen Even if You Don't".
Still think you won't be helped by re:gen? Watch this 6-min video: "Why You Need Re:gen Even if You Don't".

Why You Should Come
Because Re:gen is a safe place for anyone to talk openly, honestly, and deeply about...
- one's addictions, brokenness, and sinful patterns,
- abuse, suffering, grief, or pain endured,
- broken relationships, relational tensions, unresolved anger, or
- questions of faith and doubts about Jesus,
... re:gen is a safe place to share with fellow strugglers, build deep and lasting roots in a daily and abiding walk with Christ, and find freedom!
Why y'all so crazy about re:gen?!
Because it has not only changed the lives of hundreds of people, delivered freedom from addictions, brokenness, and sinful patterns, brought healing from abuse, saved marriages, and reinvigorated stagnant spiritual disciplines, but it has initiated a long-term change in the culture of our church, from feeling threatened by sharing real struggles to the safety of "leading with vulnerability" (Team Code #6)!
We believe so much in re:gen that when people ask where to start at First Christian Church, we say, "Start with re:gen first!" It's not only where you learn the tools for a lifetime of applying the gospel of God's grace to your life and how to deeply root your identity in the work of Christ for you, but it's leadership training because we require it for our leaders! It's foundational vocabulary at FCC for the gospel and soul care, not just for yourself but for others! Re:gen is training in disciplemaking! (See our Leadership Pipeline.)
We believe so much in re:gen that when people ask where to start at First Christian Church, we say, "Start with re:gen first!" It's not only where you learn the tools for a lifetime of applying the gospel of God's grace to your life and how to deeply root your identity in the work of Christ for you, but it's leadership training because we require it for our leaders! It's foundational vocabulary at FCC for the gospel and soul care, not just for yourself but for others! Re:gen is training in disciplemaking! (See our Leadership Pipeline.)

What does a night of re:gen look like?
- Meets every Mon night at our Greeneville Campus, even on most holidays.
- 6:30-7:15p – Large Group: Everyone is together for worship/singing and testimony/teaching.
- 7:20-8:30p – Small Groups: Newcomers, Groundwork, and Step Groups meet in various locations throughout the building.
- Childcare provided for Birth–5th grade by our vetted and background-checked Kids Min Vols, who teach the children a lesson from God's Word. We also have our Safety Response Team on-site throughout the entire evening.
- Come check it out, no obligation, and visit Large Group and Newcomers to see what re:gen looks and feels like!
- Got questions? Fill out this short form and we'll email you back!
A Few Misc Parting Details/FAQs
When do you meet?
We meet basically every single Monday night without exception, even on holidays, unless it's something crazy like Christmas Day. If we aren't meeting, we'll letcha know on the FCC and re:gen socials.
Is there any cost?
Yes, $10 per book, 6 books, spread out over the year. If costs are prohibitive, we gotcha covered.
Can I see some of the curriculum first?
Sure! Here's a sample of the overall timeline and structure, the 12 Steps, a couple "Groundwork" lessons (introductory group to get feet wet, introduce concepts, get participants used to doing bookwork), and a couple Step Group lessons.
Where can I find more info about re:gen and its origins?
These links take you to the re:gen page at the church that started and resources it, Watermark Church in Dallas, TX.
The 12 Steps of re:generation
Frequently Asked Questions
Stories of Life Change
Where do I find FCC-specific testimonies and teachings?
Get our app! for easiest access. (Go to the "Watch" tab.)
I'm interested. What do I do now?
Got questions or wanna indicate interest? Fill out this short form and we'll email you back!
I wanna help fund re:gen!
Because of the nature of this ministry, re:generation is funded by donations. To help fund life change, give here or text a dollar amount followed by an amount to 84321, e.g., "$100 regen". If you haven't already setup text-to-give, just follow the prompts. If you've already setup text-to-give, a receipt response will follow.
We meet basically every single Monday night without exception, even on holidays, unless it's something crazy like Christmas Day. If we aren't meeting, we'll letcha know on the FCC and re:gen socials.
Is there any cost?
Yes, $10 per book, 6 books, spread out over the year. If costs are prohibitive, we gotcha covered.
Can I see some of the curriculum first?
Sure! Here's a sample of the overall timeline and structure, the 12 Steps, a couple "Groundwork" lessons (introductory group to get feet wet, introduce concepts, get participants used to doing bookwork), and a couple Step Group lessons.
Where can I find more info about re:gen and its origins?
These links take you to the re:gen page at the church that started and resources it, Watermark Church in Dallas, TX.
The 12 Steps of re:generation
Frequently Asked Questions
Stories of Life Change
Where do I find FCC-specific testimonies and teachings?
Get our app! for easiest access. (Go to the "Watch" tab.)
I'm interested. What do I do now?
Got questions or wanna indicate interest? Fill out this short form and we'll email you back!
I wanna help fund re:gen!
Because of the nature of this ministry, re:generation is funded by donations. To help fund life change, give here or text a dollar amount followed by an amount to 84321, e.g., "$100 regen". If you haven't already setup text-to-give, just follow the prompts. If you've already setup text-to-give, a receipt response will follow.