
Because Jesus commissioned His followers to make disciples and be His witnesses to their own communities and to the end of the earth (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8), we consider ourselves a missionary sending and supporting agency! So not only is our entire people-equipping ministry structure an outreach strategy (7 Habits, Multisite Strategy), but we also Pursue generosity as a congregation by open-handedly supporting local and global organizations, 100% of which are nonprofit, with over $132,000 per year from our weekly giving! (Note: Our support is consistently vetted for theological and financial integrity and given at widely varying levels prayerfully based on fit with our vision, availability of funds, and need.)

Local Organizations & Ministries We Support

Local School Focus

Our communities center around the growth of our children, the future of our communities, and the place parents and friends gather to support those in learning. These schools are at the heart of our communities, and in turn, at the heart of our outreach and campus launching strategy. We are #ForGreene and #ForYou.

Student Mission Trips

Every other summer, our ONEEIGHTY students go on a mission trip. In 2015, our student ministry got the chance to go on a life-changing trip to visit and support the Barrons in Kenya. Students and Adult Leaders got to witness firsthand how big God is and see what it is like to be a missionary and a Christian halfway across the world!

Support The Outreach

Every time you give, you are supporting God's work locally and globally!