What is Great Questions Answered?
Long story short, emerging out of our 2019 Great Questions sermon series, where we received way more questions than time for answers, I endeavored to take up a long-held desire to begin compiling a trustworthy catalog of written answers that are biblically and theologically rooted, practically helpful, and instructive for Christian worldview development. For (likely way) more introductory info (than any normal person wants), see "Introduction to Great Questions Answered" (fccgreene.org/introtogqa).
Why Great Questions Answered?
In a greedy, impatient, and algorithmically-controlled world motivated by abuse of money, sex, and power, the rise of militantly secular ideologies and the weaponization of identity politics means we must fight against intellectual laziness and reclaim a Christ-centered discipline of the mind. We must learn to think clearly and persuade Christianly, for the sake of our witness to the truth of human flourishing for all that is only found in knowing and speaking God’s Word. (For a cursory explanation of why knowing and speaking God’s Word is the ground for morality, human flourishing, societal good, and epistemological truth, see “The Word of God is our Authority and Guide” at fccgreene.org/beliefs.)
Long story short, emerging out of our 2019 Great Questions sermon series, where we received way more questions than time for answers, I endeavored to take up a long-held desire to begin compiling a trustworthy catalog of written answers that are biblically and theologically rooted, practically helpful, and instructive for Christian worldview development. For (likely way) more introductory info (than any normal person wants), see "Introduction to Great Questions Answered" (fccgreene.org/introtogqa).
Why Great Questions Answered?
In a greedy, impatient, and algorithmically-controlled world motivated by abuse of money, sex, and power, the rise of militantly secular ideologies and the weaponization of identity politics means we must fight against intellectual laziness and reclaim a Christ-centered discipline of the mind. We must learn to think clearly and persuade Christianly, for the sake of our witness to the truth of human flourishing for all that is only found in knowing and speaking God’s Word. (For a cursory explanation of why knowing and speaking God’s Word is the ground for morality, human flourishing, societal good, and epistemological truth, see “The Word of God is our Authority and Guide” at fccgreene.org/beliefs.)
"Are Creeds and Confessions Biblical?"
September 24th, 2023
“Are Creeds and Confessions Biblical?”...
“Wasn’t The Word ‘Homosexual’ Only Recently Added By Modern Translators Of The Bible And Therefore They Introduced An Improper Bias?”
October 14th, 2022
“Wasn’t The Word ‘Homosexual’ Only Recently Added By Modern Translators Of The Bible And Therefore They Introduced An Improper Bias?”...
“The Overturn of Roe v Wade: How Should Christians Respond?”
August 7th, 2022
Intro to Great Questions Answered (GQA) / "The 2022 Supreme Count Overturning of Roe v Wade: How Should Christians Respond? Essential? Conviction? Opinion? / The Red Herring of Not Being "Pro-Life Enough" / What Pro-Lifers Already Do / More to follow......
"What Should I Look for in a Church and When Should I Leave One?"
July 3rd, 2022
Intro to GQA / Essential? Conviction? Opinion? / What Church are we Talking About? / The Church Defined: A Called Out People Always Rediscovering its Purpose as Redeemed Witnesses to the Kingdom of God / (First Draft of) The Essential Marks of a Biblical Church...
"Is Samesex Marriage Biblical?"
August 22nd, 2021
To answer “Is Samesex Marriage Biblical?”, we need to answer 4 questions, in this order:
Why did God create humans?
Why did God create marriage?
Does the Bible say homosexual behavior/practice is sinful?
Does samesex marriage fit with God’s purpose for humanity or marriage?
For more than the most recent 5, go to fccgreene.org/gqa.