Prayer Guide: Week of Jul 14-21, 2024

Missions & Local Churches
  • UT Campus Student Fellowship
  • Flag Branch Church of God

Ongoing Health Concerns
  • Emma Haynes, A
  • Granger Reaves, A
  • Janice Graf, A
  • Dianna Haynes, A
  • Melissa & Matt Marrs, A
  • Michael Gallagher, A
  • Paul Maimone, A
  • Tom Parker, G
  • Alicia Gourley, G
  • Rex Snelson, G
  • Cori Hensley, G
  • Charles & Arlene Larsen, G
  • Kelsie Stiltner G
  • Bobby Shaw, G
  • Charlie Larsen, G
  • Sherri Huston, G
  • Russ & Tami Northey, G
  • Bonita Colley, G
  • Jessica Doss, SG
  • Chris June, SG

Active Military (* denotes currently deployed)
  • Joe McNulty (A, Air Force Reserve)
  • Joseph Sutton (A, Army Reserve)
  • Jarod DelSorbo (DelSorbos, A, Air Force)
  • Becca Sponholtz (Sponholtz, A, Army)
  • Rich Jaycox (Sponholtz, A, Army)
  • Brandon Kalous (Englehardts, A, Army)
  • Josh Hart (L. Meade, A, Air Force)
  • Cade Brown (A, Air Force)
  • Micaiah Elliott (G, Army)
  • Max Hinkle (A, Army NG)

Our Church and Our World
  • Pastors, Elders, Deacons, and Staff
  • Re:generation, Marriage Ministry
  • 180 Students
  • Life Groups
  • Pillar: Young Adults Ministry
  • Military, Police, Medical Workers, Teachers
  • Greene County: Church Impact via Outreach
  • Guests: Gospel Conviction
  • Christians: Intentionality of Service
  • Those Suffering & Caregivers
  • Our Nation
  • Wars in Isreal and Ukraine
  • Students: Safety & Food Through Summer
  • Pine Cove City & Splash
  • Summer Travels

Personal Requests
  • John Meade, A
    • Friend, Gary Morrison, has passed away from liver cancer, prayers for family
  • The Elwell Family, A
    • Ruth is now resting in the presence of Jesus
  • Janice Graf, A
    • Healing from surgical procedure at Duke
  • Carlos Cartegena, A
    • Continued healing from knee surgery
  • Debbie McBride, A
    • Healing from surgery on arm due to burns
  • Janice Graf, A
    • Healing from surgical procedure at Duke
  • Sonya Higgs, A
    • God grace and peace on this country with such turmoil
  • Kendra Hinkle, A
    • Please pray for Max in basic training
    • Prayers for mom, Donella Maimone, upcoming knee replacement
  • Mark Brzuchalski, A
    • Psalm: 119:9-11 Prov: 3:5-8
  • Cindy Garstkiewicz, A
    • My husband Marty
    • Connie Stadjuhar
  • Sammy Warren, A
    • Angie’s brother is the caretaker for their father, he struggles with their father’s decline
  • Brett Purgason, G
    • Mother, Marsha Purgason, healing from a heart procedure
  • Jessica Dickerson, G
    • Racheal Black and her mother, Fern Wykle. Her stepfather passed away and her mother has been in hospital for 2 months with a rare blood disorder
    • Rest, energy, and the start of Foundations
  • Dan Enright, G
    • Tammie Cornell, stage 4 breast cancer doing well with chemo
    • Nick Nichols doing well with hospice at home
    • Mark Hubbard recent salvation and going through several issues via rehab
  • Hunter Paris, G
    • Upcoming school year
    • All who are lost and without hope
  • Jim Canestrari, SG
    • Work decisions
    • House prep for construction
    • Karie's father has fibrosis and getting weaker
  • Linda Fitzpatrick, SG
    • Niece, Celeste and family as she has moved out on her own
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