H7 Story: Team Ball # 3

Chances are, if you have been attending FCC for any length of time, you’ve been to an event where Tessa Gourley has been serving. Tessa is truly a fixture at FCC. She started serving as a young teenager and now, in her early 20’s, she is intricately involved with FCC’s Young Adult Ministry, Pillar.  

Tessa’s entire family has been incredibly involved and tied into serving at FCC since they started attending in 2016. She originally started out in Kids ministry alongside both of her parents. She spent quite a bit of time helping with tech as well. Today, she is involved with the Missions Team, is still doing tech, and also helps serve with Pillar where she is the Equipping Coach. “I am there to equip the leaders of Pillar to pursue the mission well, lead their team well, and grow as leaders.” Once a month, she also teaches on Leadership as a late night event at Pillar. “A big part of my role is to connect with the girls of Pillar. I am helping to disciple them, checking in with them, making sure they are connected, etc.”

Through serving, Tessa said that she is learning to rely on God's power because He is the only sufficient one. She was inspired to serve by those who shared that they saw God-given gifts in her and guided her to places where she could use them for His Kingdom.

Pillar Director David Bowlin echoed these sentiments. “Tessa dove into serving at PILLAR with a kind of eagerness … Never has there been a moment where I’ve thought ‘Is her heart in this?’, because it’s so very apparent that it is!”

David went on to explain that Tessa has faithfully served as a coach for Pillar, connecting with the ladies. He calls her a “planner” and an “outward thinker”, sharing ideas but also being willing to change things at the last minute to serve the greater purpose. “She is dead-set on young adults coming to know the gospel of our Lord,” he explained. “I can't wait to see how God continues to use this giftedness in her.”

If you see Tessa, please take a moment to thank her for all she is giving to FCC and the community as a whole. She is a huge blessing and is allowing the Lord to use her God-given talents for his glory.