H7 Story: 32 Years of Faithful Service

Due to concerns for safety and security, we have not supplied the name of our missionary, or the specific location where he is serving. The area where he serves is controlled by militant communists who have been tracking him online. After his visit with us at FCC, please do not post any specific information about him online. Thank you!

Our missionary friend, born in 1964 in South America, has served as a missionary in his home country since 1992. His parents, who adopted him at a young age, were American missionaries who served in his home country for many years. In 1987, our co-laborer in the Lord graduated from what was then called Johnson Bible College, in Knoxville, TN. Shortly after graduation, he served in a church for Hispanics in Washington D.C., and also worked as a Spanish-language journalist there in the city.
For 32 years, our missionary has been serving in his home country where he has been involved in preaching/teaching, worship/music training, and discipleship/training among five churches throughout the region. During that time, he has also served as a teacher and chaplain at a Christian school.

Please be in earnest prayer for him as he travels the United States for several months, raising additional funds for his ministry. If you would like to financially help him to defray his travel cost or ministry costs, please contact FCC’s Mission Director, Bob Radank at bob@fccgreene.org.

It has been our privilege to support this missionary for many years! The last time he was with us was a long time ago – way before we went multisite – so there is a lot that he wants to learn about FCC! He will be with us from June 16-19, and he will be speaking with several groups during his stay. If you see him while he is here, please make him feel right at home!
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