H7 Story: A Part of Something Bigger

NCICII (New Creations in Christ) is a Christian discipleship program for men located here in Greeneville. It is a residential program which provides men who have experienced various life crisis the opportunity to begin the restoration process by establishing and strengthening their relationship and confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ. According to the NCIC website: “The residential services provide men with a structured environment in which to grow spiritually through regular and constant study of God's Word, Church attendance, and Friday Night Life Bible Study.”
Enter the 6th graders from FCC’s 180 Students! Under the direction of Small Group Leaders Jim and Joy Elliott and Amy Bailey, these male and female students raised $237 in their small group time to help support this organization. They even took a trip to NCIC to tour the facilities and meet some of the participants they were directly helping. The students also participated in a worship service with the guys in the program.
“The 6th grade boys and girls really enjoyed their time visiting NCIC2,” Leader Joy Elliott commented. “They were able to witness first hand the impact outreach can have on lives around them. Seeing God work in a tangible way in the lives of hurting people. This inspired them to be a part of something bigger than just their normal lives. In giving they were blessed.”
Student Grant Radank echoed Joy’s comments. "It was very neat to see the NCIC guys growing in the Lord through this program. It was also a lot of fun to worship together."

But the 6th grade students weren’t the only ones that have helped our community recently. The 9th grade girls Small Group collected money for the Hope Center and are hoping to be able to visit the ministry soon.

Both Michelle Hamilton and Jama Doty had the opportunity to travel to Mexico last summer with the 180 mission trip. When they returned, they encouraged their 10th grade girls group to help raise money for the Steve and Kay Carpenter who have been in Mexico City since 1995. The girls collected $100 to send to help the Carpenters with their work.
Another 11th Grade Boys Small Group collected money for Valsa Abraham. who serves in India.

If you would like to read more about the different groups FCC helps support, you can actually do that on our website at: https://fccgreene.org/outreach. You can read about both the local and community organizations we support which includes the local high schools as well as benevolence and food ministries and several global groups.
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