Good Ol' Fashioned Potluck and Prayer

Sun, Mar 3, 2023, 5:30-7p
No need to sign up; just show up!

At each campus:
Anyone who enjoys food and spending time with friends in community. Invite a friend to come with you.

What & Why:
What's better than getting together with your church family for food, fun, and fellowship?! Umm... Nothing!! So break out your favorite casserole recipe or pick up a bucket of chicken on the way because we're going old school by introducing a regular campus-specific time of "Good Ol' Fashioned Potluck and Prayer" that will help you get to know your church family better! The goal is to build relationships, eat good food, and spend time praying for and with each other. We'll close the evening by spending a few minutes praying with and for those at your table. Nothing fancy, just a brief time to help share burdens with one another (Galatians 6:2; James 5:16).
And we will be done in plenty of time to get home and get the kiddos in bed!
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