H7 Story: Next Steps Helper

Myra Ettenborough embraced God’s “trajectory for her life by becoming a community-building producer instead of a spiritual consumer.” After completing the Next Steps program at the Greeneville Campus, Myra developed a close relationship with Kendra Hinkle, her dedicated Next Steps Helper. Inspired by Kendra's guidance, Myra desired to continue Kingdom work and become a Next Steps Helper herself.

Myra learned the importance of relationship building and strong biblical principles through the one-on-one conversations she and Kendra would have. Kendra said this about Myra: “She truly cares for the spiritual health of those around her, particularly women who come to church on their own, and she pursues them with determination and joy.”

Her genuine enthusiasm for FCC's serving culture and her passion for Gospel-centeredness led Myra to dive headfirst into her role as a Next Steps Helper. She embraced the opportunity to pass on FCC's beliefs and culture to other folks, desiring to serve others meaninfully. Myra's intentional, caring, and disciple-making mindset perfectly fits the Next Steps program.

Since becoming a Next Steps Helper, Myra has already helped three individuals go through the process. She is faithful in meeting with her participants, actively helping them share their Gospel stories (which is a main aspect of the Next Steps process), and establishing personal connections. Myra's heart for sharing the Gospel and conveying biblical truths in an understandable way makes her an “everyday boring faithful” disciple-maker and mentor for those seeking spiritual growth and connection within the body of Christ.

Myra’s passion for personal discipleship comes from her realization that it isn’t an option for the church, but it is the church’s primary task. And, to her,  it’s not all about the numbers. It’s about each Next Steps Participant understanding the importance that they, too, should become community-building producers. As she “paid it forward” because Kendra Hinkle was intentional about her spiritual growth, Myra desires the same thing for each Next Steps Participant she has been assigned to. Myra stands out by her relentless pursuit to help people take the next step in their spiritual growth and Help them Follow Jesus.

Myra shared her thoughts on Next Steps and her experiences as a Next Steps Helper: “We need each other and our relationships to live out the teachings of the Gospel; promoting love, supporting each other, and continuing spiritual growth in our lives. What better way than through FCC’s Next Steps? Helping others creates the questions that produce answers. I thoroughly enjoyed spending time and getting to know Kendra as she explained the process of Next Steps, and I hope to pass on the information in the same way she did with me, with so much kindness.”

Myra's journey as a Next Steps Helper not only allows her to use her gifts of discipleship and connecting with people in a personal way, but also offers her the chance to make a lasting impact in the lives of others. With a humble heart and an unwavering dedication to the mission God has given each of us through the local church, Myra Ettenborough is truly a remarkable Next Steps Helper at FCC.

For more information on the Next Steps process or how to become a Next Steps Helper, contact our Next Steps Director, Bob Radank, by emailing him at bob@fccgreene.org
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