H7 Story: Life Group Care

Written by Sonya Higgs and Sonya Ewell

Life Groups are the glue that holds FCC together as a church family. When life happens, and you’re facing some of the most difficult times of your life, you need your church family to come alongside you and support you, especially when you’re walking through the valley of the shadow of death.
Brenda Maxwell was a beloved member of our Life Group, and when she found out that her remaining time was short on earth, we found ways to support her and her family during her last days. While in ICU, Brenda requested that a couple of our members come to hear her final wishes. Though she could barely speak, she shared that she preferred not to have further life-sustaining treatment and did not want a funeral service. Brenda knew that God was in control, and she was ready to go if He was ready for her. Believing that might be the last time they would see her alive, the members prayed with her and sang “Amazing Grace” while sitting at her bedside.
Through what felt like a miraculous gift from God, Brenda was released from the hospital with hospice care to stay at her son’s home. We were so thankful for that extra time with her while she seemed to be feeling well, and we could visit with our dear friend. Our Life Group rallied around her family. We prayed for them, made phone calls to check on them, and we were able to visit often. We created a meal train that everyone appreciated and helped them to have one less thing to worry about while they concentrated their time on their care for Brenda.

We were able to shine the light of Christ by serving this family as they witnessed our love for Him through our care for Brenda. The family told us many times that they were so thankful for all the kindness shown and how much FCC had meant to them during that difficult time. They also said how much of a difference they noticed in Brenda after she started attending FCC and growing in her relationship with God! What a testimony!
Shortly after she passed, our Life Group held a special meeting in memory of Brenda to celebrate her life and what she meant to us. Her former husband, Tom Maxwell, attended, and we laughed and cried as we shared “Brenda stories” and fond memories of our time with her. Since Brenda’s illness, Tom has moved to TN and is attending FCC and our Life Group, just as she wished.

We feel so blessed to have had such an inspiring person in our lives. We miss her terribly but know that someday we will praise Christ together once again.
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