On April 9, all three of FCCs campuses gathered in one location at the Niswonger Performing Arts Center to celebrate Resurrection Sunday. If you were there, you know first hand that the service was beautiful and worshipful.

Over 800 people showed up for this joint celebration of one of the greatest days in Christian history! With a killer band, brass and string musicians, a church choir, an incredibly long list of volunteers, well-trained security, and a group of smiling faces ready to greet, NPAC opened its doors for FCC to hold this event.
Those 800 people in attendance raised their voices in praise to our Risen Savior, an experience several people commented, "must be a small taste of what Heaven will sound like." Partaking in communion together as an act of worship to Jesus, our Living Hope, was such a beautiful transition into the message brought by Lead Pastor, Scott Wakefield. In his message, Scott said, "Before the Resurrection, and because of sin, eternal condemnation and death was the expectation, even for the first followers of Jesus. But after the Resurrection, they began to understand that what Jesus had accomplished for them, in His death, burial, and resurrection, was their victory that results in a new and transformed eternal life—a life no longer animated by what brings death." Scott pointed our attention to the good news, "If you have placed your faith and truth in Christ, then He has caused you to be born again to a living hope through His Resurrection!"

Encouraged by the Easter Service, Scott commented, “As a multisite church with three locations, where we are intent on keeping campuses small and personal, we nonetheless find it important to combine resources for greater impact. One of the ways we do this is occasionally gathering for all-church events like this. We are super grateful to have this important community resource and for the flexibility and hospitality of the NPAC staff. Our experience there and the worship service were excellent.”

FCC member Jama Doty expressed what so many also shared, “Easter at NPAC with all three combined campuses of my First Christian Church family was one of the most overwhelmingly soul-filling experiences I’ve ever been a part of! The people were engaged, the spirit was alive, and the excitement was palpable! Singing with my family, arms stretched high and tears streaming down my face was a wonderful way to worship our Risen Savior.”

One of the highlights of the day was after the service, gathering and catching up with friends outside over some coffee and cookies.
If you didn’t make it to the Easter service, you can watch it here.