Missionary Update

After 7 Years, God's Miraculous Plan Unfolded!
"Rejoice with us! I am excited to announce the GNPI-Eurasia office has officially relocated to Kyiv! This chapter of the story started on the morning of March 4. Our daily Scripture reading was from Genesis 41. It was about Joseph's interpretation of Pharaoh's dreams of the seven thin years following the seven years of plenty. While reading, we realized that the date was the very day of our flight from the occupied territory seven years ago. And we wondered, “Lord, is this a sign that the seven thin years have passed?”"

Click here to read the full update.
The Barnes – Prague Library Expansion
"As the doors of the library are wide open one of the benefits is that we are able to have very specific and focused times and times of sharing with individual patrons. God is also providing in amazing ways for library expansion plans!!"

Click here to read the full update.
The Champlin Family Ultimate Journey to Spain
"10 years, 10 years. Michelle and I just celebrated our 10 year birthdate in the LORD. While it is just a number we couldn’t help but look back and laugh, as we had no idea what He would do in us during the 10 years following our new life in Christ. I mean, are we seriously in Spain, do we really have a 7 year old? Those are a couple of tangible, recognizable changes, not including the 1000s of things changed and redeemed inside. So let us join together and praise Him, as I believe we all could benefit from some reflection of what the LORD has done. Wow ten years later. What is ten years? Our God is eternal."

Click here to read the full update.
Martin Sanders Columbia Mission Update  - Summer 2021
Daily, we set forth to serve our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and this endeavor truly is the greatest of all privileges.  And we can ALWAYS take heart because we are reminded in the Holy Scriptures that God cares for our needs and goes before us, providing and reassuring us each step of the way.  His Promises are true. This is cause for rejoicing.  As we share the Gospel of Life with a hurting, joyless, boisterous, and emotional world, we preach that all things work together for those who love God and have been called for His Purpose.

Click here to read the full update.
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