H7 Story: Team Bash Recap
Last Sunday, over 250 people gathered at the Afton Campus to celebrate faithful service. Team Bash has become one of our favorite "all-campuses together" events. This one is special, because it is a time to celebrate what God has done through our church and a time to thank volunteers for their faithful service at FCC and to the Kingdom of God. We ate an amazing meal catered by Barbaritos, and spent time rekindling old friendships or even getting to start some new ones. During dinner, a scavenger hunt encouraged everyone to meet new people by asking questions such as "have you ever been to Alaska" to complete their hunting list.
After dinner, we gathered for some fun and laughs with a game called "that's me" or "that's meat" (you had to be there). It was fun and personal as Chris Oakes yelled out "have you ever" questions and every one answered "that's me!" It was another fun way to find out things about others you did not know. We played a few more fun games and enjoyed some laughs, but toward the end, the night turned serious in a moment that makes Scott cry every year. He awarded Team Balls to 7 deserving people, who embody our Team Code Awards. Each of these people have faithfully served FCC, but more importantly their Savior, in a way that encouraged those of us around them.
Scott recalled reading something recently by Eric Cavani, a footballer from Uruguay who said this: “I’m personally a footballer that likes to achieve things as a group. For me… I’ve always said that things achieved as a group become a part of the history of the club, then become part of football history.” Scott reminded us, “That’s us! That’s the church! That’s what we want to communicate about what we’re doing when we Serve on the team!”
So congrats to 7 people who were awarded a team ball! We will be writing more about these individuals in the weeks and months to come, but for now, here is a list of the winners! These humans have played a huge part in fulfilling the mission to Help People Find and Follow Jesus.
Team Code Maxim #1: “We enjoy the fellowship of mutual surrender to the mission.” – Bill Richards
After dinner, we gathered for some fun and laughs with a game called "that's me" or "that's meat" (you had to be there). It was fun and personal as Chris Oakes yelled out "have you ever" questions and every one answered "that's me!" It was another fun way to find out things about others you did not know. We played a few more fun games and enjoyed some laughs, but toward the end, the night turned serious in a moment that makes Scott cry every year. He awarded Team Balls to 7 deserving people, who embody our Team Code Awards. Each of these people have faithfully served FCC, but more importantly their Savior, in a way that encouraged those of us around them.
Scott recalled reading something recently by Eric Cavani, a footballer from Uruguay who said this: “I’m personally a footballer that likes to achieve things as a group. For me… I’ve always said that things achieved as a group become a part of the history of the club, then become part of football history.” Scott reminded us, “That’s us! That’s the church! That’s what we want to communicate about what we’re doing when we Serve on the team!”
So congrats to 7 people who were awarded a team ball! We will be writing more about these individuals in the weeks and months to come, but for now, here is a list of the winners! These humans have played a huge part in fulfilling the mission to Help People Find and Follow Jesus.
Team Code Maxim #1: “We enjoy the fellowship of mutual surrender to the mission.” – Bill Richards
Team Code Maxim # 2: “We ‘praypare’ as if souls are at stake, the Word does the work, excellence matters, and feedback helps.” – Jonathan Bowlin
Team Code Maxim #3: “We value people over policies, principles over preferences, and growth over control.” – Mark Brzuchalski
Team Code Maxim #4: “We celebrate everyday boring faithful service.” – Alex McCoy

Team Code Maxim #5: “We have a growing-by-learning mindset, not a fixed one.” – Brandon Ivy
Team Code Maxim #6: “We lead with vulnerability.” – Bethany Hodge
Team Code Maxim #7: “We multiply influence by reproducing leaders.” - Anna Sutton
There were so many others who were deserving of a team ball. If you didn't receive one, it doesn't mean your service went unnoticed or was unappreciated. Scott reminded us that we are on the team and that as we are willing to submit ourselves to achieving as a team that becomes part of the shared history of God’s work in Greeneville.
Posted in Tell the Story