H7 Story: Doing Life Together

Life Groups are sermon-based and campus-specific small groups of around 6-12 people. They meet weekly in participants' homes and spend about an hour and a half together building relationships, studying the Word of God, and praying for each other. (They may also eat some good food too!)

To be honest, even a couple hours of "Worship & Serve" on Sunday mornings isn't enough to develop the deep and lasting friendships we all really need. Life Groups provide an opportunity for more meaningful relationships.

“I can confidently say that Life Group is a sacred community that embodies the essence of doing life together,” Melissa Marrs shared. “As you grow in the Word of God, you cultivate profound friendships. They become a source of comfort, praying for you, encouraging you, and holding you accountable. I have been profoundly blessed with my life group.”

At FCC, we often say that “you don’t stumble upon great Christian community; you create it.” In other words, finding connection and care doesn’t happen automatically. It requires intentionality and personal investment.

Our first three Habits include: engage in worship, serve on a team, and connect in a small group. It is in doing these three things that we can see God truly soften hearts, change lives, strengthen marriages, and build mature disciplemakers.

Kendra Hinkle has been part of the Liebert Life Group at the Afton Campus since its launch in 2019. “Often, in the midst of a busy week, it is challenging to make myself leave the house for Life Group meetings, but I can honestly say that I have never regretted the effort. The people in my group know me, value me, challenge me, and most importantly, point me to Christ.”

Kendra explained that in addition to studying scripture together as a group, she really enjoys when they split into male and female groups to share their struggles, praises, and prayer requests. “The wonderful women in my group support me in prayer and follow up with me to hold me accountable in the areas where I have expressed struggle. At the same time, I know that my husband is being cared for in the same way. It is a beautiful picture of the body of Christ caring for one another and living life together.”

This is why we are continually striving to build a community of consistent connection that results in personal growth and care by encouraging people to join a Life Group. These groups provide a safe yet challenging environment for people to find and follow Jesus and to also grow in their faith.
For more information on finding a life group that is a good fit for you, please contact Chris Oakes or talk to your Campus Pastor.