“In Awe of Your Words: The Power and Freedom of Teaching & Trusting the Text” Workshop

Princes persecute me without cause, but my heart stands in awe of your words.
—Psalm 119:161
If you want to study God’s Word deeply and communicate it faithfully, whether a small group leader, Sunday School teacher, or Pastor, this highly interactive workshop—with examples, whiteboard discussion, Q&A, and small group exercises—will give you the basic tools for doing so with the power and freedom of teaching the text and trusting its work.
“Who is This For?” This is not just an event for preachers and preaching. Though the methods being described are derived directly from the preaching process, they are applicable to anyone who wants to know how to study the Bible better. As noted above, it is for anyone who wants “to study God‘s Word deeply and communicate it faithfully, whether a small group leader, Sunday School teacher, or Pastor.”
“Wait, whose ‘preaching process?’” As part of our heart for developing and deploying well-prepared ministry leaders and disciplemakers, our Lead Pastor, Scott Wakefield, has been coaxed into codifying his preaching preparation process to help FCCers, churches, current and aspiring church leaders, and anyone wanting to learn how to study God’s Word deeply to discover the power and freedom of teaching and trusting the text to do the work!
Basic Details:
Workshop Schedule:
FRIDAY // 5:30-6:30p // Session 1: Welcome, Orientation, Why This Matters, Strategy
7:15-8:30p // Session 2: An Example Sermon, Reflection and Q&A
8:30-9:30p // Campfire
10p // Lights Out
SATURDAY // 7:30-8:15a // Breakfast
8:15-9:15a // Session 3: Exegetical Tools & Methods for Wrestling Down the Argument
9:15-9:30a // Break
9:30-10:45a // Session 4: Your Turn – Prep a Worksheet for a 5 Minute Sermonette
10:30-10:45a // Break
10:45-11:45a // Session 5: Group Sermonettes, Reflection and Q&A
11:45-12:30p // Lunch in Table Groups
12:30-1:45p // Session 6: Integrating the Word at Church and in Life
To Bring & Not To Bring
For questions, text “workshop” to 423-552-7444.
“Wait, whose ‘preaching process?’” As part of our heart for developing and deploying well-prepared ministry leaders and disciplemakers, our Lead Pastor, Scott Wakefield, has been coaxed into codifying his preaching preparation process to help FCCers, churches, current and aspiring church leaders, and anyone wanting to learn how to study God’s Word deeply to discover the power and freedom of teaching and trusting the text to do the work!
Basic Details:
- Fri–Sat, Nov 1–2, 2024 (5p–2p)
- Longview Ranch, Mosheim, TN
- $50/person (covers materials, 3 meals, snacks)
- Add’l $49/person for Fri night lodging
- 30 registrants max
Workshop Schedule:
FRIDAY // 5:30-6:30p // Session 1: Welcome, Orientation, Why This Matters, Strategy
- Welcome and Orientation
- Why This Matters: “The Word Does the Work: A Mini-Biblical-Theology-Slash-Sermonic-Rant on the Enduring Power and Relevance of God’s Word, Why Trusting It is Freedom, and How Being in Awe of It Saved My Life”
- The Strategy: “Make The Argument”
- Wrestle it down.
- Tighten it up.
- Embody it personally.
- Apply with principles.
- Color with life.
- Leave enough whitespace.
- Trust its power.
7:15-8:30p // Session 2: An Example Sermon, Reflection and Q&A
8:30-9:30p // Campfire
10p // Lights Out
SATURDAY // 7:30-8:15a // Breakfast
8:15-9:15a // Session 3: Exegetical Tools & Methods for Wrestling Down the Argument
9:15-9:30a // Break
9:30-10:45a // Session 4: Your Turn – Prep a Worksheet for a 5 Minute Sermonette
10:30-10:45a // Break
10:45-11:45a // Session 5: Group Sermonettes, Reflection and Q&A
11:45-12:30p // Lunch in Table Groups
12:30-1:45p // Session 6: Integrating the Word at Church and in Life
- The 7 Habits of Preaching
- Squeezing the Word in Everywhere
- Good Resources Matter
- Good Wrestlers Train (or “Bro, do you even lift?”)
- What Have We Learned? … About Studying the Bible, Preaching/Teaching, Yourself, and the Power and Freedom of Letting the Word do the Work?
To Bring & Not To Bring
- Everyone needs to bring a Bible, preferably an ESV Study Bible.
- Also preferable, Logos Bible Software or a device on which you can access app.logos.com (because we’ll get you started with a free copy.) Yes, there will be wifi.
- Pen and paper for notes provided. You do you, of course—just saying you don’t need to.
- If staying overnight, LVR provides bunk bed, mattress, and bathroom, so bring bedding, pillow, toiletries, (and, duh, clothes!)
For questions, text “workshop” to 423-552-7444.