Prayer Guide: Week of Jun 2-9, 2024

Missions & Local Churches
  • Good News Production
  • Eastside Baptist Church

Ongoing Health Concerns
  • Emma Haynes, A
  • Granger Reaves, A
  • Janice Graf, A
  • Dianna Haynes, A
  • Ruth Elwell, A
  • Melissa & Matt Marrs, A
  • Michael Gallagher, A
  • Paul Maimone, A
  • Tom Parker, G
  • Alicia Gourley, G
  • Rex Snelson, G
  • Cori Hensley, G
  • Charles & Arlene Larsen, G
  • Kelsie Stiltner G
  • Bobby Shaw, G
  • Charlie Larsen, G
  • Sherri Huston, G
  • Russ & Tami Northey, G
  • Bonita Colley, G
  • Jessica Doss, SG
  • Chris June, SG
  • Becky Johnson, SG

Active Military (* denotes currently deployed)
  • Joe McNulty (A, Air Force Reserve)
  • Joseph Sutton (A, Army Reserve)
  • Jarod DelSorbo (DelSorbos, A, Air Force)
  • Becca Sponholtz (Sponholtz, A, Army)
  • Rich Jaycox (Sponholtz, A, Army)
  • Brandon Kalous (Englehardts, A, Army)
  • Josh Hart (L. Meade, A, Air Force)
  • Cade Brown (A, Air Force)
  • Micaiah Elliott (G, Army)
  • Max Hinkle (A, Army NG)

Our Church and Our World
  • Pastors, Elders, Deacons, and Staff
  • Re:generation, Marriage Ministry
  • 180 Students
  • Life Groups
  • Pillar: Young Adults Ministry
  • Military, Police, Medical Workers, Teachers
  • Greene County: Church Impact via Outreach
  • Guests: Gospel Conviction
  • Christians: Intentionality of Service
  • Those Suffering & Caregivers
  • Our Nation
  • Students: Safety & Food Through Summer

Personal Requests
  • Sonya Higgs, A
    • Mother, Carole Cobble, recovering and rehabilitating from hip replacement
  • Marlene Evans, A  
    • Pray for sister who lives in Illinois, her upcoming back surgery has continuously been postponed
  • Ruth Elwell, A
    • Struggling with health and severe pain management, currently in hospice
  • Tom Maxwell, A
    • Having veins stripped to assist with mobility
  • Mark Brzuchalski, A
    • Proverbs 3:5-8; Psalms 119: 9-11
  • Cindy Garstkiewicz, A
    • Stadjuhar Family, Gale Johnson, and Marty; God knows the needs
  • Bennie MacDonald, G  
    • Recovering from surgery following broken hip
  • Dan Enright, G  
    • Continued prayer for nephew, Nick Nichols and niece, Tammy Cornell, both with cancer
  • Ray & Suse Whitney, G
    • Ray, agent orange effects; Susie, depression
    • Susie’s aunt Nancy has ALS, please pray for peace
  • Jessica Dickerson, G
    • Grandfather fell off a ladder and broke bones
    • A co-worker’s mother has a rare blood disorder
  • Cindy Kricko, G
    • Brother is ill
  • Retha Case, SG
    • God’s hand to guide their family through a difficult situation
  • Summer Camps
    • May those who attend have a life-changing experience  
  • Those Grieving
    • The Gardin Family, A Jeanette has passed after a long battle with her health. Please pray for the family who will mourn her loss here on earth
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