H7 Story: "Friendsgiving"

If you have been around FCC for long, you have probably heard a lot of things about our re:generation ministry. You have probably heard that re:gen is FCC's main discipleship tool and is hardcore training in spiritual growth with a consistent dose of theological truth throughout. You have probably heard people talk about dealing with hard things or identifying idols in their own lives. There are so many good things that can be said about re:gen and how it is helping people find their identify in Christ alone.

One thing you may not know about FCC's re:gen program is that they have invented two of their own holidays. In July, they celebrated Inde"friend"ence Day and around Thanksgiving for the past two years, they have celebrated "Friendsgiving." This new holiday incorporates friendship and Thanksgiving into a big celebration, thanking God for His work in their lives.

Friendsgiving 2022 saw a great turnout of around 90 people enjoying being together, eating great food, and sharing thanks for what God has done in their lives through the re:generation program.

Everyone in attendance was asked to write on a card that said "Today I am grateful for..." A few responses were:
..."friends that have my best interest in mind and encourage me to better myself."
"...Gods grace and healing in my life. For my husband, children and friends. For re:gen and all the awesome people God has blessed me with through FCC."
...for my wife, my children and my sobriety. Mostly I'm thankful for what Christ has done for me."
 "...a great community that challenges me to grow." 
"New Creation in Christ," a local recovery program, brings a group of men to re:gen each week. NCIC Director, Monte commented, friendsgiving was a really helpful night for these guys to feel included and part of a community. Most often these men come from broken homes and relearning how to be accepted as part of a group is a big deal for them and their recovery.
If you have been curious about re:gen, come check it out any Monday night at 6:30p or join us on of our cool holiday celebrations to see how God is working in people's lives through this amazing ministry. 
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