Pillar: One Year Anniversary

A Year and Counting
PILLAR Celebrates its One Year Anniversary!
By: Paul “David” Bowlin
Young Adults Director, First Christian Church
It was just over a year ago that the Lord led some of us at First Christian Church to begin discussions into launching a Young Adult Ministry. And on Tuesday August 24, 2021, Pillar was launched! At the one-year mark, I thought it would be fun to look back at what has happened during the last year and how God is working among these young adults to make a difference in Greene County and beyond.
Every Tuesday since that first launch day one year ago, 20-30 recent high school graduates, college students, and other Young Adults in their 20’s come together for a time of worship, studying God’s Word, and encouraging one another. Based on I Timothy 3:15, our goal is to develop and deploy Young Adults who are Pillars in the world! The connection of these young people to the bigger body of Christ produces lives that are founded on God’s truth and directed toward His purposes.
Here's an exciting fact! Since that first launch day, Pillar has yet to go a week without doing SOMETHING on a Tuesday! This is a consistent environment where Young Adults are always invited to take a NEXT STEP in their walk with Jesus! We want this ministry to stand out as a Pillar for the Young Adults in our community!
In addition to our weekly Tuesday gatherings, tons of other things are happening all the time.  During our first summer, we held Friday night outreach events which were a blast! We’ve also held separate spring retreats for both the guys and girls in our group. In early January, 21 of us took a trip to Louisville, Kentucky to attend a missions conference called CROSSCON. Not only was this impactful for all who attended, but it clarified the call to missions for one of our peeps. (How cool is that?)
While striving to be a consistent place for Young Adults to come together, Pillar has also been hard at work, raising young leaders from its midst. Since its inception, 65 different volunteers have been a part of making this group what it is today. Of those 65 volunteers, 45 of those individuals are young adults themselves. And of those 45, 28 have started serving within Pillar. Not only are they the Pillars that make our Tuesday night gatherings happen, but they’re becoming working parts of the larger body!
As the Young Adults Director at FCC, it is my prayer and the prayer of all of us at Pillar, that this organization would allow Young Adults to hear the word of God and believe. We also pray that they will take their Next Step by plugging into a local church. It is by becoming established in a church body, that Young Adults can experience meaningful growth and develop into Pillars of the truth to the world who are on mission for the sake of Christ’s Kingdom!