H7: Tell the Story - "People To Do Life With"

Do you have a person or a group of people who you trust with your hard stuff? The people with whom you are most vulnerable? The people with whom you “do life?” Someone once said, “When you find the people who not only tolerate your quirks but celebrate them with cries of “me too,” be sure to treasure them because those people are your tribe.”

Jill Paris recently described the people she “does life with” this way:
“I think of moments shared with authentic, transparent friends. Friends that prayed with me when my marriage was struggling. Friends that visited and tended to our needs during physical sickness. Friends that encouraged me and reminded me that I’m not alone when parenting seems impossible. God knew we needed each other.”
Jill’s “people” are her friends from church and her life group. Jill gathers with her Life Group on Thursday to study God’s Word and discuss the sermon from the previous Sunday. They end their evening praying for each other, but their interaction isn’t limited to that 2-hour timeframe. They message each other when they are having a rough day, bring food to each other when they are sick, and comfort each other when they lose a family pet or a family member. Recently their group spent the day fishing, boating, and enjoying time together at a Christian Retreat.
Jill said,
“Throughout the course of the last 4 years, we have had people by our side, pouring into us as we've navigated through life's many ups and downs.”
Because of people pouring into her and her family’s life, Jill is so thankful to be able to pour into other children’s lives by serving on the Kids Team.

Friends, if you don’t have “people that you do life with,” get Connected in a Life Group today.