Pillar Young Adults: Crosscon

If you're a College Student or Young Adult in your twenties, we think YOU should come because we believe God will use this time to change you! So, join us on Dec 29 - Jan 1 on our adventure to Louisville Kentucky to grow in Christ together!

It will cost $175and that will cover your conference ticket, hotel stay, and transportation costs! You will need to bring money for your meals.

CROSSCON seeks to dig into these three topics:
1) The gospel as the only means of salvation,
2) the church as central to the life of discipleship, and
3) the Great Commission as part of every believer’s call to love your neighbor.
Learn what it looks like for you to make your life count. Make his name known.

We can't guarantee that there will always be conference tickets, or hotel rooms, so sign up sooner rather than later!

We hope you'll join us for CROSSCON this year!