Hope Center Baby Bottle Campaign

You may not know that when you Pursue Generosity at FCC, a percentage of that money goes to support several local outreach ministries. Last year, FCC added the Hope Center to those we support financially on a monthly basis.

Hope Center Ministries provides support to individuals faced with an unplanned pregnancy as well as providing education and support to strengthen the family unit.  They provide a network of care that includes pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, maternity and baby supplies, post-abortion counseling, Bible Studies, parenting and individual mentors classes and housing, all provided at no cost. As clients come into the Hope Center, they are not just provided with resources that help them choose life, but they are also presented with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Starting on May 12, your family will have a chance to personally support the great work at the Hope Center as we partner with them in their "Change for Life" campaign. It’s easy to participate. Just pick up a bottle at the end of the service on Sun, May 12 (Mother's Day) and fill it with coins, cash or a check over the coming weeks. Bring it back on Sun, Jun 16 (Father's Day) and know that your giving is making a difference, one life at a time! If it is easier for you to give online, click here.

This is a great way to get your kids involved in the fight for life by explaining to them what you are doing and why. Put your baby bottle in a visible place as you fill it and let it be a reminder to pray for the Hope Center and their ministry.

Yes, we are spread across 3 campuses, but when we Pursue Generosity together and pull our resources, we can do a lot for the Kingdom of God.  Let’s see what God can do through us.
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